Tag: mamaway
Top 6 Things that Mums Fear About Labour: Are They Worth the Worry?
Giving birth is certainly not easy. You might find yourself scared over the surgical pictures that you saw when you searched “what labour is going to be like”. You might be worried over the tales your friends or families tell to say how painful their experiences are. You might be wondering if those medical complications…
7 Common Foods You Hear that Can Induce Birth: Do They Actually Work?
“Is there anything I can eat to quicken my labour?” By week 39 or 40, you’d probably be wondering why your baby is still so quiet and hasn’t shown any signs of coming out to the world. While your doctor doesn’t seem troubled by it, you just feel like you have to do something to…
Cooling Your Baby Down from Baby Fever in 3 Steps
“Why is my baby’s forehead so hot?”For first-time parents, few things are scarier than witnessing their baby’s first fever. However, there are various reasons why babies may develop a fever or a high temperature, so there’s no need to panic immediately when they suddenly feel hotter than usual. Here are three steps you should take…
Mood Swings during Pregnancy? Is it Normal?
Getting pregnant can be exciting but challenging too as you may have a mix of feelings during the nine months. You may be happy about having a baby today but feeling sad and scared about the pregnancy complications and delivery tomorrow. Don’t worry, mummies-to-be, you are not alone. Causes Mood swings are common and normal…
Amazing Benefits of Avocado in Pregnancy You Should Know!
Avocados, often referred to as butter fruit, are a superfood for women aiming to conceive. Additionally, it’s recommended to incorporate avocado into your pregnancy diet as it provides a wealth of nutrients for both you and your growing baby. Today, we’ll explore the benefits of avocado in pregnancy. Avocados are readily available at beverage shops,…
All About Pumping, Exclusive Pumping & Must-Have Tools
When Should You Consider Pumping? We all know the benefits of breastfeeding our babies, but in many cases having skin-to-skin nursing sessions is nearly impossible. That might be you’re away from your baby, either that’s for work or other reasons. Some working mothers even booked in courier service to deliver their breast milk to their…
Burn Fat: Taking Keto Diet while Breastfeeding? Yay or Nay?
Keto Diet, full name ketogenic diet is a high-fat low-carb diet that forces your body to burn fat rather than carbs. Many chose to take the Keto diet as it “burns fat” and helps to lose weight effectively. It attracts postpartum mums to try having a Keto diet as they want to get back in shape as…
Top 5 Questions You Need to Know about Amniocentesis
Q1: What is Amniocentesis? Amniocentesis is a prenatal test to diagnose any conditions or serious health problems of your growing fetus. Amniotic fluid is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid that surrounds and protects your growing fetus in the uterus. Under the ultrasound, about 20ml samples of amniotic fluid are removed through a fine needle inserted…
Top 8 Questions of Dental Care during Pregnancy
Expectant women may experience changes in their bodies throughout the pregnancy journey, including changes in teeth and gums. Bleeding gums, gingivitis, and tooth decay are common during pregnancy due to hormonal and dietary changes. Below are the most frequently asked questions about dental care during pregnancy that you should take note of. Q1: Is it…
How to Store Breast Milk Correctly?
“How to store breast milk?” “How long does breast milk last in the fridge?” “How long can breast milk last at room temperature?” We heard you, and we made a simple chart for you to refer to! How long can breast milk last at room temperature? That’s a tricky question, as it depends on your…