Tag: mamaway

  • 10 Steps to a Safe Sleeping For Babies

    10 Steps to a Safe Sleeping For Babies

    As a first-time mum, motherhood can be a labyrinth of well-meaning advice and anecdote. There is so much information out there and much of it is simply picking and choosing what resonates and what is personal preference. However, when it comes to safe sleeping, we need to be well-informed.  The lines here are not blurry…

  • How to Breastfeed? Mastering Essential Techniques and Positions

    How to Breastfeed? Mastering Essential Techniques and Positions

    As a post-natal doula, I’ve encountered numerous breastfeeding challenges and witnessed the frustration experienced by both mothers and babies when breastfeeding doesn’t go smoothly.  One of the most common issues is the lack of a good latch. If you’re aiming to prevent sore, cracked nipples and ensure a comfortable breastfeeding experience for both you and…

  • When is it too late to wear a postpartum belly band?

    When is it too late to wear a postpartum belly band?

    I don’t know if you’ve ever watched the Olympic weightlifting. Some gigantic eastern European beef-cake performing feats of super-human strength. If you pay attention and look past the facial impersonation of a birthing mother, one thing you’ll notice is that regardless of the weight range – from Man Mountain through to Mr. Chicken-Mc-Nugget, they all…

  • What to expect in the first week

    What to expect in the first week

    You would not be the first woman in history to spend more time prepping for childbirth than the parenting itself. But, don’t forget the gig that follows, mums. Below is what to expect… when you’ve finished expecting 🙂 1. Poop Her first poop will look like she’s done ‘a vegemite’. It will then change the…

  • Abdominals Heading for the Coast (East and West)

    Abdominals Heading for the Coast (East and West)

    Me at 30 plus weeks and looking not a day shy of it. I carried BIG, basket-ball-like and low low low low. Do you know this pregnancy caricature? I looked more like a cartoon than a human. Abdominal pain & stretch marks I had abdominal pain and stretch marks appearing about the 20-week mark. Pelvic pain…

  • Understanding your baby’s sleep…less-ness

    Understanding your baby’s sleep…less-ness

    From restoring energy levels, to the building blocks of brain connection. Sleep, it’s crucial for her development. But, if sleep is so essential, why doesn’t she sleep more soundly? On average, from 2 weeks – 3 months of age your little cherub will sleep 15-17 hours across a 24 hour period. That’s a load of sleep hours…

  • Benefits of the Milk Bar

    Benefits of the Milk Bar

    Are you breastfeeding blissfully or are you enduring a toe-curling horror-of-woes that breastfeeding can bring? Somewhere in between, perhaps? Not all women can breastfeed, some choose not to and some breastfeed for a short season. I didn’t breastfeed all of my children so there’s certainly no guilt fest coming from this direction. Whether you’re feeding…

  • A Six Kid Family – Sink or Swim

    A Six Kid Family – Sink or Swim

    Six kids and living in Sydney.  About as common as spotting a unicorn and about as entertaining. Ranging in ages from 5 to 15.  That’s a lot of kids. With the Aussie national average of births per family hitting an all-time low, it got me thinking about some of the highlights and low-lights of having…



    Welcoming parenthood, also welcomes a world of sleeplessness,  but did anyone tell you that the sleep would start to be sapped well before bub arrives? With a boulder for a stomach, continual pummels from the inside and an eternal need to pee… it’s a miracle that a pregnant woman catches any shut-eye at all. So,…

  • Breastfeeding – What I wish I could have told myself

    Breastfeeding – What I wish I could have told myself

    Perhaps no one could have prepared me for breastfeeding, even if I had have been a little more tuned in. I mean, If there was a degree obtained through childbirth education, I had graduated with Honours. At the time, I couldn’t get enough of the stuff.  Labor signs, contraction management strategies, physiology of birth, the…