Tag: mamaway

  • 5 Tips For C Section Recovery: Speed Up Your Recovery

    5 Tips For C Section Recovery: Speed Up Your Recovery

    Will I need more time to recover from C-sections than from vaginal birth? Are there any precautions to look out for during c-section recovery? You may be wondering about these questions if you’ve planned a cesarean or have just undergone your cesarean surgery. The answer is yes, a C-section is a major surgery that can…

  • Recommended Drinks for Pregnant Women

    Recommended Drinks for Pregnant Women

    Dear moms-to-be, you’re likely aware of the importance of hydration during pregnancy. Water plays a vital role in helping your kidneys eliminate waste and toxins, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your body, and regulating body heat. As you nourish your growing baby, your need for water increases to meet both your needs and those of…

  • A Good Breastfeeding Latch and Nipple Pain

    A Good Breastfeeding Latch and Nipple Pain

    You’ve probably watched tons of breastfeeding-related tutorials online but when it comes to actually nursing your newborn, everything feels different. Especially if you don’t have a lactation consultant to seek help, how are you going to ensure your baby is latching on correctly? We’ve listed out some rules for you to self-assess if you and…

  • Breastfeeding Newborn Q&A

    Breastfeeding Newborn Q&A

    Taking care of a newborn can be tough, especially when you’re also in the process of recovery. If you’re planning to breastfeed your newborn, read this article ahead to know what to expect for the first few weeks postpartum. Learn valuable insights and tips for breastfeeding your newborn during this critical period. What Are the…

  • Does Swaddling Help in Settling Baby, Yes or No?

    Does Swaddling Help in Settling Baby, Yes or No?

    Swaddling has exits for centuries; it’s basically an ancient technique of wrapping newborns in a thin blanket. Like many parents, you may wonder how does making a baby burrito calms babies. Calms Baby Baby all newborns are born with a number of normal baby reflexes, while startle reflex is one of the many. Take note…

  • Breastfeeding Mama Workout Guide

    Breastfeeding Mama Workout Guide

    Congrats on giving birth! Been thinking about getting back to your workout routine and getting rid of that fat on your girdle? You’re not alone, same thought here! But before you hit the gym, make sure you read through this post and know what to expect and do to make sure you’re having the right…

  • Prenatal Yoga Poses That May Help in Labour

    Prenatal Yoga Poses That May Help in Labour

    You may know that prenatal yoga is beneficial for both you and your baby. By stretching and strengthening your muscles, these low-impact yoga poses can help relieve pregnancy-related discomforts, such as back pain, indigestion, or stress. Moreover, it is a great opportunity to listen to your body through meditation and breathing. Prenatal yoga is not…

  • Stretching During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

    Stretching During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

    Regular exercise, including stretching during pregnancy, can enhance our overall health, alleviate negative thoughts, and divert our attention from daily stressors, which applies to pregnant mothers as well. Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy? Absolutely! In fact, moderate exercise, including stretching, may contribute to your baby’s health by reducing body fat and promoting a…

  • All You Need to Know About Baby’s Excessive Sweat in Sleep

    All You Need to Know About Baby’s Excessive Sweat in Sleep

    I believed that watching your baby asleep is a blessing for all parents. Have you ever wonder why your baby sweats even when the air conditioner is on? It can be somehow disturbing to see your loved one drenched in sweats during their sleep. Here what you need to know about Baby sweat: 1. The Location of…

  • Should You Switch to Home Birth During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

    Should You Switch to Home Birth During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

    “With the serious outbreak of COVID-19, should I change to a Home Birth instead of going to the hospital?” Childbirth at home has gained a lot of attention over the past few years and the recent outbreak of coronavirus has certainly brought more awareness to home birthing options. With social distancing going on, you may…