When using a baby carrier, experiencing pain and discomfort may occur if the carrier is not used correctly or if it’s not the right product for you. Some new parents might perceive this as normal and try to ignore the pain and discomfort. However, there’s a newly launched soft in-fabric Baby Sling that won’t cause back pain during babywearing! Ignoring discomfort and pain for an extended period can lead to more severe back problems.
Will I Get Back Problems with a Baby Carrier – Baby Sling?
When assessing the possible issues related to Baby Slings, it’s important to understand how a Baby Sling works.
The rings of the Baby Sling are first placed in front of one shoulder, with the rest of the cloth hanging behind the wearer’s back. Then, the tail is brought to the front from under the other arm and inserted into the rings from the bottom. The tail is then threaded through one of the rings to create a buckle effect. This can also be achieved by threading the fabric through the rings and then putting it on like a sash.
In order to understand whether or not Baby Slings trigger backaches, it’s essential to understand the causes of pain while using the Baby Sling.
The Common Mistakes Causing Pain In Baby Slings
- Rings slipped too low under your shoulder.
- The slings are not engaged properly, causing it to be not secure and loose.
- Twisted and bunched sling fabric.
- Overuse of ring sling.
- Inappropriate size.
- Baby leans away, low, and not close enough to kiss.
The list above is likely to trigger backaches and pose a safety hazard as well.

Safe and Comfortable Babywearing Essentials
- Often, the rings slip downward while tightening, so start by placing the rings on your shoulder and ensure the fabric on your back is tight before tightening.
- Adjust the sling by pulling and tightening the tail for a comfortable and secure fit.
- The baby should always be leaning towards you and high enough to kiss while in the sling.
- The sling should cover as much of your back as possible for even weight distribution.
- Try alternating between shoulders if you intend on babywearing for a prolonged period.
- Use an ergonomic and one-size-fits-all Baby Ring Sling to ensure a comfortable babywearing experience.
- If your baby is old enough to lift their head, try changing between front-wearing and hip-wearing.

Source: What is Hip Dysplasia?
Is Baby Sling Safe for Mothers After Cesarean Birth?
This depends on you and how you’re healing. But the general rule is it is better to avoid babywearing for about a month post-delivery. Mothers who underwent a cesarean should keep the following things in mind:
- The baby should be carried high to avoid contact with the cesarean area.
- If you have a long scar, it’s best to avoid carrying the baby until the scar heals.
After gaining all this knowledge, ensure you engage in comfortable and secure babywearing. This way, mummy and daddy will avoid back problems triggered by incorrect babywearing, and baby will safely enjoy the warmth of mummy and daddy.

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