Category: Parenting

  • How to Prevent Back Pain in a Baby Carrier?

    How to Prevent Back Pain in a Baby Carrier?

    When using a baby carrier, experiencing pain and discomfort may occur if the carrier is not used correctly or if it’s not the right product for you. Some new parents might perceive this as normal and try to ignore the pain and discomfort. However, there’s a newly launched soft in-fabric Baby Sling that won’t cause…

  • The Pros and Cons of Baby Sling

    The Pros and Cons of Baby Sling

    Before making any purchase, the first things we assess is the pros and cons of the purchase. In this particular case, what are the pros and cons of ring slings? Now that we know the benefits of a ring sling, we need to understand whether a ring sling is a boon or a bane to help parents make an informed…

  • Picking out the best ring sling for you

    Picking out the best ring sling for you

    Do you often get emotional when you talk about your children? You often wonder how did they grow up so fast? When did my little baby become so mature? Where did all that time go? These are common feelings parents express when their little angels are not so little anymore. Unfortunately we haven’t cracked the code to…

  • How Ring Slings Facilitate Breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding is becoming increasingly popular after facing a tough competition with formula for years. The benefits and value of breastfeeding have been highlighted by medical professionals around the world. Countless studies have shown the benefits of breastfeeding, ranging from post pregnancy weight loss for mommies to improved emotional development for babies. While there are moms who choose otherwise or…

  • 3-Steps to Maintain Your Baby Sling

    Babywearing has become a popular trend and ring slings have become a popular choice among babywearing parents. Ring slings are extremely handy when you’re out and about, as it keeps your hands free and your baby close to you. But when you’re on the go, your ring sling is going to gather dust and dirt overtime.…

  • 5 Thing to Avoid When Babywearing

    Babywearing is a tradition that has been ongoing for centuries. Babywearing through ring slings will come in handy after a little practice, yet it does require extra attention the first few attempts. You don’t have to be perfect the first time, and a ring sling is not rocket science, but safety should never be compromised, and there…

  • Debunk Myth: Ring Sling Triggers Back Health Issues?

    Being a parent comes with a lot of enjoyment and responsibility, and you want to cherish every moment with you baby. With hands-on parenting trends being on the rise, traditional practices such as babywearing and breastfeeding are also on the rise. There are lots of babywearing options, but an ergonomic ring sling is a list topper…

  • When is it time to stop Babywearing: baby age / weight?

    When is it time to stop Babywearing: baby age / weight?

    Ring slings are becoming an increasingly popular trend with more and more parents choosing to babywear and practice attachment parenting. There are a lot of questions and speculations surrounding ring slings and babywearing. Most of our posts address various aspects of babywearing, but this post is a part of a two part series, on when is it time to stop babywearing:…

  • When is it time to stop Babywearing: product life?

    When is it time to stop Babywearing: product life?

    This is the second post of our two part series on when is it time to stop babywearing: baby age/size and product life. The previous post addressed the baby age/weight restrictions of babywearing through a ring sling. This post will discuss when it is time to stop babywearing based on product life. Each product has a life cycle and ring…

  • Something need to know about babywearing

    Something need to know about babywearing

    Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (BCIA) is an organization representing sellers, producers and educators. The organization does not create regulations but unites to help solve compliance issues, conduct community safety campaigns and improve regulatory standards. Here are things BCIA teaches about babywearing. Every country has different laws regarding products that qualify to be sold legally in the…