Category: English

  • Pregnant again and ‘going off the rails on the crazy train..’

    Pregnant again and ‘going off the rails on the crazy train..’

    If you’re asked how many weeks pregnant you are and you need to do a quick calculation, resulting in a ‘vague ball-park answer, this is likely NOT your first pregnancy.It isn’t that you’re not entirely overjoyed by the notion of being pregnant again, it’s just not a novelty like it was, and let’s face it,…

  • Summer and Sweaty…. Six Kids at Christmas

    Summer and Sweaty…. Six Kids at Christmas

    I love Christmas, doesn’t everyone? I love the sacredness, the socializing, the weather (even though I do fantasize about a white Christmas), and the simple fact that a year has been achieved and is in the bag!But don’t get me wrong, I do resent the pressure and the forced ‘jolly’ imposed by the commercial drivers…

  • Top 3 Postnatal Recovery Questions on Every New Mum’s Mind

    Top 3 Postnatal Recovery Questions on Every New Mum’s Mind

    Q: My doctors told me it generally takes 6 weeks to recover from a natural birth and 12 weeks from an abdominal C-section, is that the same for everyone? A: Pregnancy and childbirth are meant to have many both physical and emotional changes, and there are many things to consider by the word “Recovery”. Any concerns…

  • Common screw-ups you don’t want to make in the labour ward

    Common screw-ups you don’t want to make in the labour ward

    No longer the cigar-pending, jumpy but blameless and innocent bystander. Labour is a massive task, requiring the greatest support and it’s dad that’s expected to be up-to-date and on-task. Having complete and comprehensive labour know-how, whilst remaining entirely peace-loving is dad’s duty. Sounds supernatural, and it is. However, as much as your partner might strive…

  • Labour’s coming? Don’t miss the signs!

    Labour’s coming? Don’t miss the signs!

    There’s so much to be absorbed and fascinated by when your body’s toting new life. Pregnancy’s remarkable and entirely captivating!But what happens when pregnancy’s drawing to a close and that baby is ready to leg-it out of there? A mere 5% of babies are born on their due date, which therefore leaves the majority of…

  • Prepare For a Relaxed Hospital Stay

    Prepare For a Relaxed Hospital Stay

    Immediately following the arrival of your bundle of joy, you will want to focus on two priorities.  Loving up with your new babe AND giving your outrageously awesome body a chance to recover. Don’t let a lack of prep steal your attention away from these two priorities. So, pack that hospital-stay kit bag with the…

  • Benefits of the Milk Bar

    Benefits of the Milk Bar

    Are you breastfeeding blissfully or are you enduring a toe-curling horror-of-woes that breastfeeding can bring? Somewhere in between, perhaps? Not all women can breastfeed, some choose not to and some breastfeed for a short season. I didn’t breastfeed all of my children so there’s certainly no guilt fest coming from this direction. Whether you’re feeding…



    For the most part, the final stretch of pregnancy is spent asking the final down and dirty questions about labour and beyond.  Chats that include formerly un-speakable subjects: maxi-pads, stool softeners and Sits Baths, become common-place. However, many women are clothed with very little information when it comes to a Caesarean section, especially if they…

  • A Six Kid Family – Sink or Swim

    A Six Kid Family – Sink or Swim

    Six kids and living in Sydney.  About as common as spotting a unicorn and about as entertaining. Ranging in ages from 5 to 15.  That’s a lot of kids. With the Aussie national average of births per family hitting an all-time low, it got me thinking about some of the highlights and low-lights of having…

  • 7 Things you didn’t know about breastmilk

    7 Things you didn’t know about breastmilk

    Breastmilk is unquestionably the perfect food for young humans as it is specifically designed for them! I really had very little clue as to the value of my breastmilk, when I first started breastfeeding.  I had heavily rested on the fact that someone else had done the research.  I figured women had been doing this…