Category: Breastfeeding
Dad’s Tips for Week 1, Don’t get your balls busted for bad prep
Dear Dad, Feeling freaked about what lies ahead? You’re not on your own.You’ve been the innocent by-stander for the past nine months, watching your partner morph, but now it’s time to dig deep and take hold of your inner-DAD! My tip? Don’t get your balls busted for bad prep. Meet your bub’s arrival with your marriage…
10 New Mum Must-haves From Mum With Six Kids
For centuries past, parents have been getting by with absolutely none of the below… and we survived as a species too, you might say… True!But, in a post-agrarian society, today as a culture, we demand safe, functional and optimal outcomes for our children and we expect to have the tools to help us get there.…
Mums, get connected!
Becoming a parent for the first time is a season filled with a newness, like no other. So many firsts to delight in. It can be a time that brings ecstatic joy and perhaps even a renewed vision, hope and broadened sense of purpose. First touches, first cuddles, first coos… all bring such pleasure to…
7 Things you didn’t know about breastmilk
Breastmilk is unquestionably the perfect food for young humans as it is specifically designed for them! I really had very little clue as to the value of my breastmilk, when I first started breastfeeding. I had heavily rested on the fact that someone else had done the research. I figured women had been doing this…
Breastfeeding – What I wish I could have told myself
Perhaps no one could have prepared me for breastfeeding, even if I had have been a little more tuned in. I mean, If there was a degree obtained through childbirth education, I had graduated with Honours. At the time, I couldn’t get enough of the stuff. Labor signs, contraction management strategies, physiology of birth, the…
Bonding – the way to her heart and yours
As a mum to both biological children (of the womb) and foster children (of the heart), the issue of ‘bonding’ with each baby/child has been a topic I’ve held close. There was never a question as to whether I loved each baby. Of course, I did. They were each longed for and anticipated and they…
How to Breastfeed? Mastering Essential Techniques and Positions
As a post-natal doula, I’ve encountered numerous breastfeeding challenges and witnessed the frustration experienced by both mothers and babies when breastfeeding doesn’t go smoothly. One of the most common issues is the lack of a good latch. If you’re aiming to prevent sore, cracked nipples and ensure a comfortable breastfeeding experience for both you and…
Benefits of the Milk Bar
Are you breastfeeding blissfully or are you enduring a toe-curling horror-of-woes that breastfeeding can bring? Somewhere in between, perhaps? Not all women can breastfeed, some choose not to and some breastfeed for a short season. I didn’t breastfeed all of my children so there’s certainly no guilt fest coming from this direction. Whether you’re feeding…
All About Pumping, Exclusive Pumping & Must-Have Tools
When Should You Consider Pumping? We all know the benefits of breastfeeding our babies, but in many cases having skin-to-skin nursing sessions is nearly impossible. That might be you’re away from your baby, either that’s for work or other reasons. Some working mothers even booked in courier service to deliver their breast milk to their…
How to Store Breast Milk Correctly?
“How to store breast milk?” “How long does breast milk last in the fridge?” “How long can breast milk last at room temperature?” We heard you, and we made a simple chart for you to refer to! How long can breast milk last at room temperature? That’s a tricky question, as it depends on your…