Category: English

  • Top 10 Things You Should Avoid During Pregnancy

    Top 10 Things You Should Avoid During Pregnancy

    Dear all moms-to-be, As you embark on the journey of pregnancy, your body undergoes remarkable hormonal changes essential for your baby’s development. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with these transformations and heed advice on what to avoid during pregnancy. Take proactive steps to ensure a healthy and safe journey for you and your baby by…

  • Six Kids – Budget hacks for big family

    Six Kids – Budget hacks for big family

    Got a big family, but a small budget? You’re not alone! With lots of people under one roof, it can be hard to prepare a budget plan and stick to it. When you have a big family, the money left over (after tax) needs to be spent a little thoughtfully.  But, does life with a big family mean it’s all…

  • Postpartum & Breastfeeding Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

    Postpartum & Breastfeeding Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

    A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection in your urinary system, caused mostly by bacteria, particularly E. coli. It can affect any part of your urinary system and brings symptoms like frequent urination, discomfort while peeing, and pain in your lower back or side. Antibiotics are typically effective in treating UTIs. What is…

  • Eliminating pregnancy stretch marks is not difficult with right belly oil!

    Eliminating pregnancy stretch marks is not difficult with right belly oil!

    Pregnancy marks occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and the growing belly, resulting in the appearance of lines on the stomach. Do you know if it’s possible to prevent pregnancy marks? Here are 5 major methods to combat pregnancy marks so that even mothers who have already developed them don’t need to be afraid.…

  • Your Baby Actually Likes the Swaddle: Here’s Why and How to Do It Right

    Your Baby Actually Likes the Swaddle: Here’s Why and How to Do It Right

    Swaddling has been a cherished practice for centuries, and there’s a good reason why. Contrary to what you might think, your baby actually likes being swaddled. In this article, we’ll delve into the science and benefits behind swaddling and provide you with expert tips on how to do it right for maximum comfort and security.…

  • Benefits of Mirror Play for Babies

    Benefits of Mirror Play for Babies

    Mirror play offers more than just a reflection—it’s a profound journey of self-awareness and delight for babies. As your little one interacts with their mirrored image, they begin to recognize themselves and experiment with expressions and sounds, fostering early communication skills and exploring their expressions. Mirror play also fosters early language development, encourages social connection,…

  • Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Treatment

    Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Treatment

    Breast cancer occurs when there is a transformation of normal breast cells into cancerous cells that rapidly multiply and create tumors. While breast cancer is most commonly found in women and individuals assigned female at birth, particularly those aged 50 and above, it can also impact men and individuals assigned male at birth, as well…

  • Breast Reconstruction: What Is It, Types, Procedure & Treatments

    Breast Reconstruction: What Is It, Types, Procedure & Treatments

    Breast Reconstructions Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring breasts after a mastectomy. There are various approaches to breast reconstruction, including some that involve the use of implants and others that utilize tissue from your own body, like from the abdomen, to create a new breast. This reconstruction surgery can be performed either…

  • How A Good Bra Can Help You In More Ways Than One!

    During pregnancy, as hormone levels increase, so does blood flow and fluid retention causing your breasts to feel swollen, sore, and sensitive to touch. However, every pregnant woman’s situation is different. Some may feel their breasts getting bigger after three months of pregnancy, while others may not experience a noticeable change until after five months. A…

  • Discover the Best Bras for Post-Breast Cancer Surgery Recovery

    Discover the Best Bras for Post-Breast Cancer Surgery Recovery

    Choosing the Right Bra After Breast Cancer Surgery Breast cancer surgery, and sometimes radiotherapy, can result in heightened sensitivity in the chest area. While wearing a bra can provide comfort, it’s not always necessary. Your surgeon or breast care nurse will guide you on the appropriate bra choice based on your specific surgery. You don’t…