Baby wearing allows you to bond and share intimate moments with your little one. Apart from the obvious sense of happiness both parents and babies feel from being close to each other, there are physical and emotional benefits of baby wearing as well. Let’s face it, ring slings are one of the best baby wearing option out there, so, we’ve compiled a list of 3 emotional and physical benefits of ring sling for mommies and babies.
Benefits for Mommy
- Comforting emotionally: After holding a baby in your womb for months, it’s not just the baby that develops a connection with mommy. After giving birth it’s comforting for mommies to hold on to their precious little ones. Due to the increased emotional bond, babywearing through a ring sling reduces the chances of postnatal depression.
- To know baby’s needs quicker: Often mommies are forced to let their babies’ nap and go on with their chores. In doing so, it may take the mommies a little longer to realize if their babies work up, are hungry, need a nappy change etc. But, if a baby is wrapped around mommy, it’s a lot easier to understand and respond to babies needs more efficiently. Baby wearing, though a ring sling overtime, may even start showing connecting between bodily functions of mommy and baby.
- Increased bond and get back in shape: Baby wearing with a ring sling is like carrying weights for prolonged periods. Along with the obvious bonding with your little one, this helps mommy get back in shape as well. There is more to it, the increased bond between mommy and baby enhances lactation and stimulates milk production for nursing.
Mommies, you may be reading this and wondering what about the benefits for my baby? The moment you become a mommy, there is nothing more you want than to make sure your baby gets all the benefits you can provide. All you eager mommies, the good news is that babywearing is beneficial for your babies as well.
Benefits for Baby
- Cognitive and Emotional development: We discussed in our earlier post that baby wearing can contribute towards cognitive development. Furthermore, baby wearing through a ring sling keeps babies in a secure position closer to the womb: full of warmth and close to the mother’s heartbeat. This results in a low stress and happier environment for babies.
- Physical comfort and development: Babies in a ring sling can enjoy regulated breathing and muscle development, through the support of a sling and in a comforting environment. Baby wearing through a ring sling can also ease the gas reflux of babies through an upright position. Baby gets to enjoy this in an environment filled with the warmth and aroma of their mommies.
- Acclimatize to their area: Mommies won’t be surprised to know that babies are quick learners. In addition to picking up on all the different things they see when wrapped around mommy or daddy, babies will acclimatize to their area as well. Baby wearing mommies have expressed that they can do their dishes, clean the room etc. while baby sleeps peacefully. The reason being, babies are secure wrapped around their mommies in a ring sling and able to do what they need to do with the noise around them.
Are you guilty of tiptoeing around your house with the fear that you’ll wake up your baby? Guess what, you wear your baby through a ring sling and make baby a part of your life, rather than adjusting your life around your baby. Now, that’s something all mommies like to hear! Begin baby wearing and witness the 3 emotional and physical benefits of ring sling for mommies and babies.
Also, daddies (sorry if you felt a little excluded in this article, don’t worry) you can also contribute to your baby’s emotional and physical development by baby wearing.
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