Category: Pregnancy
Top 5 Questions You Need to Know about Amniocentesis
Q1: What is Amniocentesis? Amniocentesis is a prenatal test to diagnose any conditions or serious health problems of your growing fetus. Amniotic fluid is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid that surrounds and protects your growing fetus in the uterus. Under the ultrasound, about 20ml samples of amniotic fluid are removed through a fine needle inserted…
Vaginal Seeding: Is It for My C-Section Baby? Benefits and Risks Explained
You may have heard of the term Vaginal Seeding, that some mums swab their babies with vaginal fluids after delivering through C-sections. A lot of interest has raised around vaginal seeding nowadays when recent researches have found a potential causation for a higher chance of asthma and allergies in babies through C-section. However, it is…
Doula 101: Why You Should Consider Hiring One for Your Labour
Giving birth is an overall stressful experience. Oftentimes mums giving birth have reported feeling anxious, scared, painful, mentally and physically exhausted. You have probably heard of some ways to relieve your labor pain already, herbal remedies, relaxation techniques, or things that you should prepare in your hospital bag to make you more comfortable – but…
Baby Due Date: 3 Common Myths About Due Date Calculations and 40 Week Pregnancy
When’s the child due? How long have you been pregnant? Which week are you in? These are probably the most asked questions following people’s congratulations on your pregnancy. “October! I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant and there are 34 more weeks to go”, a typical answer taken from the numbers your doctor gave you at your last…
Your Ultimate Childbirth Cheat Sheet for Every Dad-to-Be
Here comes a mysterious question: What are the responsibilities of the dad-to-be? What do dads, or partners, do when you’re giving birth? If you’ve heard about your friend’s or family’s stories about their first childbirth, you’d know how much chaos there can be in the hospital room when moms are giving birth. Imagine already panicking about…
Can I Consume Caffeine During Pregnancy? How Much Is Safe?
Do you find yourself reliant on caffeine during pregnancy? Many women rely on a cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverages in the morning to stay alert and motivated for work. However, dependence on caffeine can develop similarly to tolerance for other substances like drugs or alcohol. Over time, you may find yourself needing larger…
What You Need to Know About Pregnancy After Age 35
People are marrying later in life today as they prioritize their careers and wait for the right person. This trend contributes to childbearing after age 35, termed advanced maternal age. While there are potential complications, pregnancy after age 35 doesn’t rule out the possibility of having a healthy baby for older mothers. Get to know…
How to Deal with Pregnancy Constipation and Hemorrhoids?
Suffer from constipation especially when you are close to your due date? Due to hormonal changes, you are more prone to constipation. As the growing baby presses down on your intestines, it is more difficult and slower for the stool to pass. That’s why you may start feeling bloated, constipated and even have hemorrhoids. If…
Is Vaginal Bleeding Normal During Pregnancy? What Should I Take Note?
It is totally common and normal to face spotting or vaginal bleeding during the first 12 week of pregnancy. Don’t panic, it is normal in early pregnancy. Many women who experience bleeding will go on with healthy pregnancy and baby. First Trimester Implantation bleeding- A common cause of bleeding happens when the fertilized egg implants…
Is vaginal discharge normal during pregnancy?
You may notice an increase of discharge in early pregnancy due to hormone changes. Also, it is an early sign when you are expecting. Discharge is normal throughout your nine-month pregnancy, but it may vary in color, amount and thickness. Is my discharge normal? Normal discharge, also known as leukorrhea is thin, clear and mild-smelling. It is…