Category: Pregnancy

  • Stretching During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

    Stretching During Pregnancy? Is It Safe?

    Regular exercise, including stretching during pregnancy, can enhance our overall health, alleviate negative thoughts, and divert our attention from daily stressors, which applies to pregnant mothers as well. Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy? Absolutely! In fact, moderate exercise, including stretching, may contribute to your baby’s health by reducing body fat and promoting a…

  • Tips to Relieve Morning Sickness

    Tips to Relieve Morning Sickness

    Morning sickness is the most common symptom in early pregnancy. Although it is unpleasant and affects your daily life, it will not harm you and your baby. Instead, it means your placenta is growing well. More than 50% of women experience morning sickness both day and night. It happens within the first 4 months of…

  • Everything You Need to Know About C-Sections

    Everything You Need to Know About C-Sections

    C-section, Caesarean delivery…you’ve heard it so many times, but what is it exactly? Is it scary? Is it necessary? Read on below to find out what you need to know about C-sections. What is a C-Section? C-section, or Caesarean section, can be explained as the surgical delivery of a baby through an incision on your…

  • Preterm Birth 101: Cause and Prevention

    Preterm Birth 101: Cause and Prevention

    Preterm labor refers to the dilation of your cervix occurring during 20 – 37 weeks of pregnancy due to regular uterus contractions. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Preterm birth is defined as any childbirth occurring between 20 to 37 weeks of pregnancy, while Early term occurs between 37 – 38 weeks…

  • Preterm Birth 101: How to Care for Your Premature Baby?

    Preterm Birth 101: How to Care for Your Premature Baby?

    Preterm labors happen at a rate from 5% to 18% across 184 countries in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Even though preterm birth is not uncommon, it still comes as a shock to most parents when it actually happens. You might have just come from the shock of your sudden contraction, and…

  • Is Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) an Option for Me?

    Is Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) an Option for Me?

    If you’ve been through a C-section for your first baby, you may be wondering if you need to go through the same procedure for your second baby again or if vaginal delivery is possible. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean is possible for many mums, but there are some factors that’ll determine if VBAC is right for…

  • Tips to Ease Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

    Tips to Ease Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

    Leg cramps are common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, often occurring at midnight. You may feel discomfort as it typically affects your calf, foot, or both. Experiencing sharp pain or tightness in your calf when you are ready to sleep can be quite troublesome. Here are some factors that may cause leg…

  • My Metamorphs : Breast Changes During Pregnancy To Weaning

    My Metamorphs : Breast Changes During Pregnancy To Weaning

    Oh my!!  Did you have any idea your boobs would change this much?!  It happens as soon as you discover you’re pregnant.  In fact, the change in your breasts, may just be the first sign that you are pregnant.  Let’s have a look at our lady lumps a little closer, and really understand what’s going…

  • TOP 11 Pregnancy Food and Pregnancy Vitamin

    TOP 11 Pregnancy Food and Pregnancy Vitamin

    You may have heard of superfood and lots of additional vitamins for pregnant mums. A healthy diet is truly essential as what you eat and drink during pregnancy is your baby’s main nutrients. Instead of just taking supplements, we encourage you to take those vitamins from natural food.To have a healthy and balanced diet, you…

  • Fight Against Gravity! Your Breast Care Manual

    Fight Against Gravity! Your Breast Care Manual

    Have you noticed that your ribcage starts expanding, and your underbust increases in size during your first trimester? What’s more, your nipples become darker, and your breasts become heavier. Don’t worry! These changes are absolutely normal when you’re growing a baby. You just need more breast care tips! Breast Care During Pregnancy When pregnant, mums…