Category: Breastfeeding
Breast Milk Substance Kills Cancer Cells
We all know breast milk brings amazing benefits to not only the babies but also the mothers. It is the best food for newborns and especially preterm babies. The substance in human milk is precious and the benefits are irreplaceable therefore it is so-called the “liquid gold”. Natural, health-beneficial, and eco-friendly. But what breastmilk can…
Burn Fat: Taking Keto Diet while Breastfeeding? Yay or Nay?
Keto Diet, full name ketogenic diet is a high-fat low-carb diet that forces your body to burn fat rather than carbs. Many chose to take the Keto diet as it “burns fat” and helps to lose weight effectively. It attracts postpartum mums to try having a Keto diet as they want to get back in shape as…
Colostrum 101: Breastfeeding in the First Week
Colostrum takes approximately 72 hours to come in. What to do with it? What will it look and feel like? How to express it out more easily and effectively? Read more to see what you will see and do in the first week postpartum. Colostrum Texture Colostrum is the milk that comes in the first…
Breastfeeding Tips that Every Mom Should Know
Have you ever wondered to yourself if you are producing enough milk for your baby or how to tell if your baby is getting just enough milk? It doesn’t come as a surprise that the current level of education in breastfeeding among new moms is low; You think to yourself that nurses will be there…
All you need to know about breast pumps
You’ve probably heard about how breast milk is the ultimate source of nutrition for your newborn baby. But often moms find it challenging to breastfeed especially you doing it for the first time. A survey shows that about 27% of mothers found pumping uncomfortable, and an additional 15% experienced a pump-related injury, making most mothers…
Ready All Set, When Will My Milk Come In?
Heads in the game for exclusively breastfeeding my baby but the milk isn’t coming in during that 1 hour after birth skin-to-skin contact moment? Fret not, colostrum will come in first, then your transitional milk and mature milk. Skin-to-skin contact and the baby’s suction can assist milk let-down more easily and effectively. Your milk is…
Breastfeeding: How Does Breast Milk Production Works?
We’ve mentioned the law of supply and demand of human milk, the more you expressed out now the more you will produce in the future. Therefore, the secret of stable milk supply depends on how often you express the milk from your ducts. Once your body senses empty milk ducts it will automatically refill to…
Stable & Ample Breast Milk Supply: Is that a Dream?
We mums dedicated our time and energy just to provide the best and right food for our baby – breast milk but if you’re having a low milk supply you probably will get really frustrated and start thinking of switching to infant formula. Today, we’re going to cover everything you can do to make sure…
Breastfeeding Out & About – Ania and Sofia’s Story
My name is Ania and I am a new mum of a 6-month-old baby girl. Sofia is my first child and being a mum is a big new task in my life which I enjoy very much. Every day I overcome new challenges which I have to deal with as a parent, mum and a…
Difficulty with Expressing Breast Milk ?
Our community of Mums recommends trying these strategies if you have difficulties expressing Breast Milk with an electric pump or by hand, Do you have any suggestions for making expressing breast milk easier? Or do you want to ask our Mum community a question? Visit us on Facebook