Our community of Mums recommends trying these strategies if you have difficulties expressing Breast Milk with an electric pump or by hand,
- It’s possible you aren’t getting a good let down. Try using a warm hot pack on your breast, gentle massage, looking at your baby.
- Make sure your arms and chest are relaxed and that you are in a relaxed and quiet environment.
- Try feeding your baby on one side and simultaneously pumping on the other. It’s a bit awkward but helps with the let down. Using a sling to support your baby can be very helpful when multi-tasking!
- Sometimes your breast can be too full which can make expressing difficult and painful, try feeding your baby a bit first then expressing, or if bub isn’t available having a warm shower.
- As your baby gets older (6 months plus) and establishes a feeding routine, expressing can be difficult because your breasts have established a routine too. If this is the case, try expressing at the same time of day every day so it becomes a part of the feeding pattern.
Do you have any suggestions for making expressing breast milk easier? Or do you want to ask our Mum community a question? Visit us on Facebook
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