Tag: mamaway

  • How to Solve Baby Crying and Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome?

    How to Solve Baby Crying and Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome?

    Bringing a baby home is at once one of the most exciting yet terrifying times in your life. This is what you’ve been waiting for the last nine months but now this tiny, little human is depending on you to meet all their needs. You may have been told or seen conflicting information about how to care for…

  • Android Pelvis? 4 Pelvic Types and Mother’s Birth Anatomy

    Android Pelvis? 4 Pelvic Types and Mother’s Birth Anatomy

    Do you know that the human pelvis can be classified into 4 different types based on their shape and bone features? Your pelvic shape could determine your birth experience and whether you would have a higher vaginal birth success rate. Gynaecoid pelvis Or so-called the “normal female” pelvis. The Gynaecoid pelvis is wider and broader with room…

  • How Long Should I Breastfeed For? When to Wean Off?

    How Long Should I Breastfeed For? When to Wean Off?

    Moms are usually worried about the ‘time’, when is the right time to start? Am I starting too late, too early? Will that make any difference to my baby?  Nursing Session  Nursing session duration varies from baby to baby, nursing from 15 to 30 minutes is average. If you’re nursing last way lower or way above this…

  • Breastfeeding Benefits: For Mom and Baby

    Breastfeeding Benefits: For Mom and Baby

    We couldn’t stress more on breastfeeding importance. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) even recommends exclusive breastfeeding (only breast milk, no water, no formula, no solid food) for 6 months. Why do pediatricians care about all these? Because they know the many advantages of human milk to babies, to mums, and the environment. Let’s take…

  • Childbirth Trilogy #1: The 3 Stages of Labour

    Childbirth Trilogy #1: The 3 Stages of Labour

    Each of your birth experiences is special and unique. You can never know if this one’s going to be a quick pain or a long-hours exhausting labour experience. However, it’s always helpful to know the different stages of labour to prepare ahead for what is expected.  Childbirth happens in 3 phases: Labour, Delivery of your…

  • Be Alert to Pregnancy Flu

    Be Alert to Pregnancy Flu

    When experiencing the flu during pregnancy, it’s essential to be cautious about medication and potential risks to your unborn baby. Studies suggest that pregnant women with influenza face heightened risks, including miscarriage and stillbirths. Additionally, hospitalization due to the flu may result in premature birth or lower birth weight for the baby. It’s crucial to…

  • Tips to Enjoy Your Life Under Lockdown

    Tips to Enjoy Your Life Under Lockdown

    Mum Dressing VS Dad Dressing Mums usually do the dressing up, they make sure their baby wears comfortable yet nice-looking outfits. Whereas dads… let’s take a look at how Brooke’s husband Jeremy dressed up their baby.  It’s time to do a mum versus dad dressing competition, take the photos, make your family members vote! This…

  • Responsive, Second Skin, Ultra Light, and Crossover. Which fits me?

    Struggling to choose the right bra? Here’s a quick guide.  Choose according to MATERIAL:  Choose according to TYPE: Responsive  Ultra Light  Second Skin  Crossover Bra  You can stick breast pads on ALL of our bras.  Comment below if you have further questions choosing. Which one is your favourite?  1 2 3 4

  • Antibacterial Bedding – Suppress Bacteria from Growing 

    With the current outbreak of coronavirus, parents’ hygiene awareness has increased significantly. More and more people are considering purchasing sanitisers, antibacterial products, including antibacterial bedding spray.  Instead of buying a bedding spray, why not consider buying antibacterial bedding that can suppress bacterial growth?  A lot of Mamaway fans know that our bras are antibacterial, but…

  • Mamaway Referral Program is Here!

    Hello mamas, have you noticed our new referral program? If you haven’t, read below to know more about what you can get from our referral program and how to join it!  What is a referral program? To make it simple, you introduce friends to buy Mamaway’s product, then we will reward you AND your friend. Double…