Category: Pregnancy
Confessions of a Doula: What Your Birth Taught Me
The word ‘doula’ originates from Greek and signifies ‘mothering the mother’, making it a fitting job description. As a doula, I am not medically trained like a midwife, nor do I possess the expertise to deliver a baby. However, I offer invaluable support throughout the journey of a pregnant woman. My role involves providing various…
For the class of 2017 – a quick lesson on labor drugs
To the class of 2017, You’ve heard it all before… there are no university medals, just a cute bundle to behold. So, let’s be smart and understand all there is to know, so we can make informed, educated decisions about our bodies and our babies. This is not a shame game, mums. We need to…
Abdominals Heading for the Coast (East and West)
Me at 30 plus weeks and looking not a day shy of it. I carried BIG, basket-ball-like and low low low low. Do you know this pregnancy caricature? I looked more like a cartoon than a human. Abdominal pain & stretch marks I had abdominal pain and stretch marks appearing about the 20-week mark. Pelvic pain…
Welcoming parenthood, also welcomes a world of sleeplessness, but did anyone tell you that the sleep would start to be sapped well before bub arrives? With a boulder for a stomach, continual pummels from the inside and an eternal need to pee… it’s a miracle that a pregnant woman catches any shut-eye at all. So,…
7 Common Foods You Hear that Can Induce Birth: Do They Actually Work?
“Is there anything I can eat to quicken my labour?” By week 39 or 40, you’d probably be wondering why your baby is still so quiet and hasn’t shown any signs of coming out to the world. While your doctor doesn’t seem troubled by it, you just feel like you have to do something to…
Mood Swings during Pregnancy? Is it Normal?
Getting pregnant can be exciting but challenging too as you may have a mix of feelings during the nine months. You may be happy about having a baby today but feeling sad and scared about the pregnancy complications and delivery tomorrow. Don’t worry, mummies-to-be, you are not alone. Causes Mood swings are common and normal…
Amazing Benefits of Avocado in Pregnancy You Should Know!
Avocados, often referred to as butter fruit, are a superfood for women aiming to conceive. Additionally, it’s recommended to incorporate avocado into your pregnancy diet as it provides a wealth of nutrients for both you and your growing baby. Today, we’ll explore the benefits of avocado in pregnancy. Avocados are readily available at beverage shops,…
Top 8 Questions of Dental Care during Pregnancy
Expectant women may experience changes in their bodies throughout the pregnancy journey, including changes in teeth and gums. Bleeding gums, gingivitis, and tooth decay are common during pregnancy due to hormonal and dietary changes. Below are the most frequently asked questions about dental care during pregnancy that you should take note of. Q1: Is it…
Your Bump has enough to do. Give it some support!
Friends would mime holding my bump, as if they felt sorry for me and knew it needed all of the support it could get. I seemed too to leave a ‘wake’ not behind me, but rather in front of me. Everyone moving out of the way as if they might get pulled under the concrete…
5 Things a Baby Carrier Must Have
Baby carriers are a must-have baby item for parents. They offer so much more than just the possibility of carrying an infant. With bonding and attachment made simple with one of these purchases and with some even offering the potential to breastfeed baby on-the-go. Before purchasing one of these, (often expensive!) First of all, you…