Category: Pregnancy
Discover Traditional Chinese Pregnancy Myths
Discovering what you’re expecting can be wonderful. However, if you think pregnancy is solely a matter for you, your hubby, and your baby, you may be mistaken. You’re likely to receive a lot of advice from people around you, focusing on dos and don’ts during this critical period. Since some of these superstitions may cause…
It’s funny the things that end up front and centre when forecasting the day of your baby’s birth. For many mums-to-be, the highest priority is to name your new little human, for others, paint colours for the nursery. By all means, go for it, I wouldn’t dare block the ambitions of a soon-to-be-lioness!However, there are…
There’s so much to be absorbed and fascinated by when your body’s toting new life. Pregnancy’s remarkable and entirely captivating! But what happens when pregnancy’s drawing to a close and that baby is ready to leg-it out of there?A mere 5% of babies are born on their due date, which therefore leaves the majority of…
Being a mother is a full-time job, and with such a busy schedule, we regularly forget to take some time off for ourselves. We are often too tired to do the things we enjoy and we are rarely motivated to get more physically active. Not only is working out extremely beneficial for your body, but frequent trips…
Prenatal Yoga Poses That May Help in Labour
You may know that prenatal yoga is beneficial for both you and your baby. By stretching and strengthening your muscles, these low-impact yoga poses can help relieve pregnancy-related discomforts, such as back pain, indigestion, or stress. Moreover, it is a great opportunity to listen to your body through meditation and breathing. Prenatal yoga is not…
Eating Ice During Pregnancy?
Eating ice can be listed as one of the unusual food cravings during pregnancy. Have you found yourself craving ice suddenly? According to some research, one in five pregnant women loves to eat ice cubes. No worries, this quirky habit will disappear after delivery. The question is, is it safe? Is it normal during pregnancy?…
Pregnancy Swollen Feet Relief: Tips to Help
You may experience puffy cankles, beginning in your second trimester. Normal swelling, which is called oedema, can also be found in the hands, ankles, legs, and feet during pregnancy. Oedema during pregnancy is common and normal, often considered a pregnancy side effect, especially near the end, but it typically disappears after you give birth. Thus,…
What You Need to Know about Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
What is PGP? Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is discomfort and pain in the pelvis and lower back area during or after pregnancy. It is common and happens to 1 of 5 expecting women. It happens when your joints move unevenly to the back or front of the pelvis and the pressure on your pelvic when…
7 Ways to Ease Labour Pain Without Drugs
Going through labor is certainly not an easy process and a big part of it is to get past that pain. You’ve probably had nightmares about how painful your labor can be. You’ve probably heard other mommies talking about their back pain, sore muscles, and ripping-like cervix dilation. And yet you don’t want to rely…
Recommended Drinks for Pregnant Women
Dear moms-to-be, you’re likely aware of the importance of hydration during pregnancy. Water plays a vital role in helping your kidneys eliminate waste and toxins, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your body, and regulating body heat. As you nourish your growing baby, your need for water increases to meet both your needs and those of…